Your support makes a difference

A world without trachoma is in sight. Please help more children like Mohamed receive the life changing eye care they need. Donate today.

Your donation

How often would you like to donate:
How much would you like to give?

Your donation could: pay for a health worker to take a course in primary eye care to help identify trachoma and promote facial cleanliness in communities.

Your donation could: help distribute the sight-saving antibiotics needed to protect 250 people from the agony of trachoma and the risk of trichiasis.

Your donation could: help provide trichiasis surgery for a child suffering from advanced trachoma – saving them from permanent blindness.

How much would you like to give?

In a year, your monthly donation could: pay for two health workers to take a course in primary eye care to help identify trachoma and promote facial cleanliness in communities.

In a year, your monthly donation could: help distribute the sight-saving antibiotics needed to protect a community of 400 people from the agony of trachoma and the risk of trichiasis.

In a year, your monthly donation could: help provide trichiasis surgery for a child suffering from advanced trachoma – saving them from permanent blindness.

Other ways to donate:





Donate by Post

We do accept donations by cheque and postal order

Payable to Sightsavers Ireland

305 The Capel Building
Mary’s Abbey
Dublin 7
Republic of Ireland

Donate by Phone

To help keep our processing costs low, we would prefer you donate online however we of course welcome donations over the phone. Our friendly team are available to help 24 hours a day

Our phone lines are open 24 hours a day

(01) 663 7666